Parking Reminder

Parking Reminder (from Nan)

The Manset, Joy, and Northeast Harbor lots will be open from May 15 through October 15 as usual.

However, ferry service to Manset is being curtailed and will only be available from May 28 through September 26. To address this change in schedule while providing parking services fairly and with as little inconvenience as possible, the following schedule and policy changes have been implemented:

May 15 - May 27, unreserved parking when parking in any spot in Manset, Northeast Harbor or the Joy Lot is allowed as long as your vehicle has a NEH or Manset parking sticker attached. Joy lot stickers are only valid for parking in the Joy Lot regardless of the date.

May 28 - Sept. 26, reserved parking, vehicles must be parked in their assigned spot in the assigned parking lot.

Sept. 27 - Oct. 15, unreserved parking when parking in any spot in Manset, Northeast Harbor or the Joy Lot is allowed as long as your vehicle has a NEH or Manset parking sticker attached. Joy lot stickers are only valid for parking in the Joy Lot regardless of the date.

During all dates a valid parking sticker must be displayed on your vehicle to park in any town lot.